Humanities 9 - Poirier's Pages

This blog is dedicated to Mr. Poirier's humanities students. Write, play, share, enjoy!!!


Letter to the Editor of Lorax

The Daily Chronicle

Attention: Letter to the Editor

123 Fabulous Street

Calgary, Alberta T3J 5X3


The environmental impacts of consumerism


Dear Editor:

I am writing this to express my thoughts and concerns about the negative effects of consumerism on our environment.

Although consumerism plays a big role in sustaining an economy, it also plays a bigger role in negatively impacting our environment. Factories create a huge amount of greenhouse gases that are harmful to our atmosphere and also spew a lot of oil damaging our water sources and its habitants. The majority of the trees on earth have been cut down in order to make products for our consumers. Humans will need two earths in twenty years if we continue to use our natural resources at this rate.

There are many solutions to this problem. A simple one would be to raise awareness of the environmental damage that is caused by consumerism. People should only buy things that they need, and not excessively spend their money. This is a huge problem in North America and it needs to stop.

You can help spread the awareness by informing your friends and family about this issue. You can also visit the environmental website at We can make a change just by spreading the word.


Safwan Jamal


FFCA High School

2116 Mackay Road NW



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