Humanities 9 - Poirier's Pages

This blog is dedicated to Mr. Poirier's humanities students. Write, play, share, enjoy!!!

Blogging – Rules and Expectations

Following our schedule, you will write thoughtful entries in which you write usually a 200-500 word response to the assigned topic. Your writing must have an introduction, body, and conclusion (unless otherwise stated); as well as demonstrating an understanding of the principles of writing we have discussed in class.

With each assignment, you are expected to read various blogs from your peers and write a minimum of two thoughtful comments, as outlined in class.

While blogging is less formal than academic writing, your posts should reflect proper grammar, accurate spelling, and thoughtful writing. There’s no point in practicing how to do something incorrectly; make sure that your blogs are good practice for completing in-class, more formal writing.

Are there any conventions I should be aware of?
A few. When one blogs, it’s common to include a link to the article one is referring to and to include short excerpts from the article when necessary. It’s also common practice to link any data/evidentiary claims that are available. Furthermore, it is always good to consider adding a visual to support your work.


1 – Read each others posts
2 – Interact and comment on each others posts RESPECTFULLY. Offer both praise and constructive criticism.
3 – Write your posts on time.

To use the blog, you must agree to the following statements:
I will conduct myself appropriately when participating on the blog. I shall not use any profanity or inappropriate language on the blog, and will not make any obscene, profane, defamatory, libelous, threatening, harassing, abusive, hateful, embarrassing, disrespectful and/or discriminatory comments on the site.
I will avoid the use of chat-style language.
I will use the correct rules of grammar and try to spell everything correctly.
I will only give constructive criticism.
I will not use my full name, or the name of my classmates, friends, teachers, or family.
I will not plagiarize.
Participation in or access to the site shall not be considered a substitute for classroom participation. I remain responsible for all assignments, course content, exam preparation included within the class curriculum.
Participating in the site is a privilege, not a right.

I recognize that breaking any of these rules could lead to any of the following consequences depending on severity and repetition:

· warning
· deletion of some or all of the post
· temporary loss of blogging privileges
· permanent loss of blogging privileges
. referral to administration

Please note that all posts and comments are moderated for content before posting to the class blog.

Why blog?

There is a rationale to creating a class that is focused around blogging and commenting:

Students are:

– Motivated about learning because their work has an audience
– Taught the appropriate use of collaborative web tools in a monitored environment
– Taught how to correctly respond appropriately to others
– Given opportunities to learn, research and discuss in different ways

Parents, family and friends are:

– Provided the opportunity to read class activities and stay informed and up to date
– See the responses of their son/daughter
– Able to comment and give feedback to students

As the facilitator and teacher I will be able to:

– See the students’ progress with their written responses about their learning
– Watch their interaction and responses to the work being covered
– Oversee all comments

Videos – Why Blog?

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