Humanities 9 - Poirier's Pages

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Consumerism Hurts

The Poirier Chronicle

Attention: Letters to the Editor

625 Birchwood Avenue

Calgary, Alberta T3N 6F4


Consumerism hurts


Dear Editor:


I am writing to express my concern for consumerism and how it is polluting our world. I understand that consumerism aids our economic system; however the risk is far too dangerous.


I am a member of the Green Party and it is my job to study the effects of consumerism in our environment. The products made for consumers are deliberately designed to break after a few months, meaning that the factories they come from will have to continue pushing pollution into our once clean air. There are also the workers in the factories to consider. These people have a much bigger chance at getting a variety of cancer’s or disease because they could not find a job anywhere else. There is also the amount of garbage that the product and its packaging, produces. Packaging usually consists of unrecyclable plastics or combined recyclable materials that now cannot be recycled. Even if the product itself is made of recyclable materials, 80% of it usually ends up in the landfill where it pollutes the ground and prevents anything from growing. Many people would say that a little garbage is not a big deal because it will decompose soon enough. It is true that a little garbage is not a big deal, but our landfills are rapidly growing and we need to do anything we can to decrease that rate.


I dearly hope that your readers will share in my concern and I urge them to take action. If any would like to contact us to see what could do to minimize their impact we ask that they call us at (403) 555-8354 or e-mail us at With the public’s support, I know we can make a difference.




Melinda Beck


Green Party

244 Wellington Street

(403) 555-8354

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